Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bike or bus to Saturday's Earth Day Festival

Northern Life - Apr. 16, 2008

This year’s Greater Sudbury Earth Day Festival will highlight eco-friendly transportation options.
Greater Sudbury Transit is providing free bus fare to anyone attending the Earth Day Festival. It takes place Saturday, April 19 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Downtown Market Square. Admission to this event, hosted by the Greater Sudbury Environmental Network is by a voluntary donation.
Bus riders will be admitted to the festival free of charge if they provide their transfer ticket. Bike riders will also get a free ride into the event and the City of Greater Sudbury’s Bicycle Advisory Panel will demonstrate its new “Rack ‘n Roll” initiative allowing cyclists to bring their bikes with them when riding certain city buses.
Last year, over 5,000 residents came out to the Greater Sudbury Earth Day Festival to celebrate Earth Day and other environmental initiatives taking place in the community.
This year, more than 90 “green” groups and businesses will set up displays and kiosks indoors and outdoors. New displays for this year include environmentally responsible investing from the Investors Group, Go Solar Ontario, Hibou Boutique from North Bay, and several groups from Manitoulin Island. Back by popular demand are the Vale Inco tree seedling giveaway, light bulb exchange from Greater Sudbury Hydro, and Biodiesel from Hodder Fuels.
A full day of entertainment is scheduled featuring local artists Kevin Closs, N’Swakamok Dance Troupe, Les Cokrels, Matt Foy, Groupe 17 and the Spirit of the World Drumming Circle.
The children’s area (in a new location in front of Market Square) will feature the return of popular eco-entertainer Charlie Kert. A new feature is the Greater Sudbury Mascot Reunion, featuring Sudbury’s favourite stuffed mascots together in one place.
Additional entertainment will include the Waabishki Mkwa drum group, Super Science from PLAYLearnThink, hay rides, native storytelling, clowns, skits, crafts, a talent show and much more.
The popular local food fair returns features yummy dishes made with local ingredients.
The Earth Day festival organizing partners include EarthCare Sudbury, the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee, the Nickel District Conservation Authority, Eat Local Sudbury, Le centre de santé communautaire, Grassroots Economic Opportunities Development and Evaluation, Sudbury Food Connections and more than 50 volunteers.
Event sponsors include the City of Greater Sudbury EarthCare, CTV, Vale Inco, Nickel District Conservation Authority Source Water Protection Program, William Day Construction, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Sudbury Credit Union, Royal Bank of Canada, Dalron, CIGM Radio EZ Rock, J.L. Richards, Halsall Associates, Northern Lights Festival and Le centre de santé communautaire.
Please visit for more information

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